
How Privacy Restrictions Grounded Away

What happens when brands place too much reliance on third-party platforms? Just ask Away, the luggage and travel accessories company that recently faced turbulence by laying off 25% of its internal staff. Their reason? “Increased privacy restrictions have led to increased online advertising costs with diminishing returns.”

This shift in the digital landscape was largely driven by Apple’s updated privacy restrictions, which directly impacted the effectiveness of advertising on platforms like Facebook. As a result, many brands, including Away, found themselves grappling with skyrocketing advertising costs and dwindling returns on investment.

The fallout from this reliance on third-party platforms is not unique to Away. Digital omnichannel retail, once hailed as a game-changer for reaching the right customers, has seen its effectiveness plummet by 97% from its peak in 2021.

At Ona Media Company, we connect social strategy to their business results by enabling our clients to seize control of their data and leverage it for better business outcomes – making their bottom lines less volatile to the changing social media landscape. 

Here’s how we do it:

  • Prioritize the collection of owned data first.
  • Teach brands how to leverage their owned data for better marketing.
  • Review your resources (people, processes, tools) to maximize efficiency.
  • Integrate real testing methodologies so that you can confidently say what works for your brand.
  • Ensure you own EVERYTHING long after we’re gone.

“We feel that our business took an entirely new sense of urgency and embarked on a higher level of the path to success when we met Ona!”

Kim Caviness & Lisa Hunt Stevens, Co-Founders of Familia Kitchen

Whether you’re feeling constrained by algorithms, questioning the effectiveness of your social strategies, looking to break through a plateau, or aiming to elevate your already stellar work, we’ve got your back.

Let’s talk about it! Schedule a no-strings-attached conversation.